mboard.pl changelog Current Language: PERL 5 October 14, 2002: - Added code to remove extra [nt] in messages, especially when someone added text to the body - Added code to remove extra Re: at the begining of subjects. (Thanks to The Mastermind) August 11, 2002: - Added new graphic to selections. (http://www.freezemodeling.com/new.gif) May 29, 2002: - Removed hyperlink tags from quoted old messages, from now on. May 14, 2002: - Resolved double [nt] problem. Code was checking for empty message two different ways, but not mutually exclusively. May 5, 2002: - Added ability to search for a message topic for use with daily news, and to specify message Subject in URL Known Bugs: - Quoted old messages don't always wrap correctly, some lines don't get > on them Usage Notes: - Specifying subject for new message: mboard.pl?Make=New&Subject=My%20Subject - Finding Specific Messages: mboard.pl?Find=My%20Subject - Showing specific number of days of messages: mboard.pl?MaxAge=5 (Children messages can push past this, because all messages from a thread are always shown) - Showing specific number of messages: mboard.pl?MaxMess=5 (Children messages can push past this, because all messages from a thread are always shown) - Force display of ALL messages: mboard.pl?Showall=True - To delete messages: Yeah, right. Keep dreaming... - New Background color: http://www.freezemodeling.com/cgi-bin/mboard.pl?bgcolor=colorname Replace colorname with an HTML standard color name, or color code (red, green, blue, gray, white, black, yellow, etc. Or #336699, etc. The color is stored in a cookie on your PC so all of the message board shows up as that, even after you remove the bgcolor= section. - Reset background color: http://www.freezemodeling.com/cgi-bin/mboard.pl?bgcolor=NORMAL