Robotic Race Queens By RoboNiki

The "race queens" as they've come to be known as, are very common in Asia. The girls are beautiful and an inseparable part of racing. Manubot (the sexbot, mannequin manufacturing company) came to realize that the corporations hiring these girls might be interested in Manubot's product. Computer chips that eventually turn each girl into a fully robotic race queen. They will always look perfect and you'll never have to pay them, feed them, or provide hotel rooms again. In fact they might also be good at keeping morale up in the traveling team by "doing" whoever or whatever is required of them.

Over the course of a couple of years, the manubot chips became so popular among corporations, that few, if any, of the girls are actually human any more. And what was once a secret about the robots is now public knowledge. Some girls voluntarily sign up to be converted, others are urged by their families for the initial money. Once a bot, you can never go back, but these girls look to happy to want to go back.

Niki, the founder of the North American Manubot corporation and a bot herself, is very pleased with the way things are working out in Asia. She is looking for clients in North America at the present time. Although, since Niki is a bot herself, she isn't as efficient at getting work done because she too is slave to the 3 hr. orgasm rule. There are always plenty of men on Niki's staff to make sure things run smoothly. But don't get on her bad side, many a man who has irritated her has ended up on the bot conversion table himself. Although not everyone is deterred by that punishment. Some want to become bots and have eternal orgasms just like the women they create.
It is an interesting feeling being out there among the crowd. Everyone is staring at you, most of the guys want to fuck you and cum all over you. You can't move, only enjoy the moment for what it is and realize what you now are. Then the orgasm loop kicks in and it just doesn't matter.

The End
January 15, 2001

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