Look here for up to date information on sightings of Living Mannequins, Status, and freeze topics in the media
Please, feel free to contribute anything you might know of!
Scale: 1 - If you happen to catch it; 2 - Look for it; 3 - Must Watch; 4 - Tape it if you can; 5 - You must tape this!
March 2001:
03-31-01 Motionless Actress Scene: Check out the deleted scenes on the "Road Trip" DVD. I'm not sure if it's on the unrated version. 4 or 5 actresses are pledges at a sorority and they are forced to stand at attention, and slightly posed while the sisters humiliate them. They barely move for the entire scene. (4)
03-30-01 Downed Server: The server that hosts The Medusa Realm, it's sister sites, and the LBTSA is down right now. We all hope that it comes back soon. Last I heard it was run by an individual, so I'm sure it'll be back soon. (3)
03-29-01 Another try: I put the Hourglass clips on a new iDrive account "hourglass". You can use this link to get to the account, and hopefull it won't have it's limit reached. I hope this help some people. (5)
Also, be sure to check out the ATT commercial in Quicktime format. (4)
03-28-01 Another Commercial: I caught a commercial for 1-800-CALL-ATT last night that had a freeze in it. These two kids are looking for a ride home, and they get one in this limo full of girls. They get home, and when they are getting out of the car, the girls all freeze. It was too quick to tell if it was live, but according to Stuckfast, who has a copy of it, he says it's "fake". But, there is motion and freezing in one shot, so it still looks cool. (4)
Update: Check out this link for the video of the commercial! Thanks WK!!
03-27-01 Model Link: This model asked me to post the link to her website. I also noticed this is interesting as well. Sadly, there is no freeze modeling on the sites, but nice pictures anyway. Perhaps she could be convinced to do some (hint hint) (2)
03-26-01 New Commercial: I was watching TV Land on Sunday, and they had on a pair of attached commercials for The Home Shopping Network. The second commercial showed an office dressed woman walking out of a cardboard box. When they moved the camera and looked in, there were three other women posed in action poses in a foam tray in the box, and one hole where the other had just been. Then one by one they come to life. It was a very well done, and cute, doll and freeze commercial. I taped for hours after that hoping it would come on again, but it never did. But, keep an out for TV Land, as it might come on again. The commercial was for the selling of the "Marie Clair recommends R2R". According to the online TV Guide, this was on Monday morning, is on next Monday and Thursday as well. That means they'll still be playing commercials for it.(4)
03-25-01 No News: Sorry Folks (NA)
03-24-01 Great freeze on DVD this week: The musical group BareNaked Ladies released a new gimmick that they're calling a "DVD Single" on March 20th. It's a DVD with a couple music videos on it, for about $10. I found it in the singles music section right next to the normal CD single that came out this week. The DVD is in a normal DVD case. Anyway, the DVD has the full video to "Pinch Me', from last year. This has an amazing freeze in it. It's a live freeze, and a moving person interacts with the frozen ones. Cute women too! (And ladies, there are frozen men too). (5+)
It's so easy to get this disc, don't pass this chance up!
03-23-01 Aerosmith: It's been in the media, and the discussion boards a few times that Aerosmith's new alblum features a Soryama type bot in the cover. Well, it appears that at their recent events and functions, they've been bringing a few girls in dressed to appear like the girl on the cover. I think this is pretty cool, and will be on the watch for more on this topic. The above photo came from an Aerosmith fan site, check it and a few more out there. (4)
03-22-01 German Photos, movie update: Well, it seems we had a little bandwidth issue on the poorheart.com server. I'm really sorry because I wanted all of you to get the movies. The 2 Twilight Zone clips are on my iDrive account (login to lmcdosman), as well as the 2 Hourglass videos.
Also, on the House of Living Dolls club, the German LM people posted 12 new pictures with 2 girls. If you like there style, which is about the same as April's, then check them out. They're really good. (4)
Well, they told me this wouldn't happen, but I've already been thrown off the movie server. I hate when people lie to me. I'm really sorry, I hope everyone got the movies that wanted them.
03-21-01 Great Addition to the LMC: I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I've enjoyed setting it up and finally being able to provide it. I was finally able to secure some server space for a movie clips page! It's nothing super great, but I have a good amount of space, and the connection speeds are decent. I have all the stuff from my driveway account, and the movies page on it. I also have the clips from my old Media Guide, but I haven't written up the links to them yet. Also, I posted the two hourglass clips that weren't so easy to get from Stuckfast.
The normal link to the movies page is under the "Non-Fiction" button.
Please, leave me feedback on email, or the message board if there are any problems with this server. (5)
03-20-01 Updated Site: The LBTSA story archive has been updated with some amazing stories. Check it out! (5)
03-19-01 Back: I neglected to announce it first, but I've been on vacation all week. It doesn't seem as if much was going on during the week anyway. We've got a big project planned for the LMC this week that should calm a couple people down, and we're also looking to get some new April material posted soon. We're really hoping for a better response then the last set garnered. (N/A)
03-12-01 New Yahoo! Club of interest: KingJeremy has opened a new Yahoo! club featuring information about ASFR videos. Of course, ASFR refers to the entire community, meaning there are videos from freeze, robots, painting, statues, and more. Check it out, atleast for the free screen captures. Maybe you'll find a video you didn't know existed. (4)
03-10-01 Donation: Someone dropped a video clip from the TWZ episode "The Trade In" in my iDrive account. It's a great clip, 17 seconds, about 3 megs in size. Has 3 different frozen couples. Pretty neat, worth a look. Big thanks to whoever sent it to me. (5)
(Log into iDrive to the lmcdosman account to view this file)
03-09-01 The Twilight Zone: So, I was hunting around the web looking for captures from the mannequin episode of TZ, and came up empty handed. But, I did find this audio clip, and this one as well! They're pretty cool, and small (less then 100k). You probably need to right click and hit save as, then listen to them locally. Enjoy! (5)
03-08-01 I've got nothing: I'm sorry, it's slow. I'm still working on the storage situation, and I've gotten some good tips. Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas.
03-07-01 Not much going on: The community has been dead lately, hence the lack of update yesterday. I see on the House of Living Dolls Yahoo! club that RobotDoll is publishing an ASFR related book. Could be good to have around, I know I'll be picking up a copy. I thought about producing the LMC book, but I'll have to see how his endeavor works out first. (4)
03-05-01 Not as big as it sounded: Maybe I hyped this up too much yesterday. I didn't mean to, I just didn't have anything else to post. Anyway, the "Finesse" performers website is excellent. On their website they have some pretty cool "living doll" photos, which is LM to us Americans. Check out Lara Croft. Just the way I always wanted to see her. (4)
03-04-01 No News: Check back tomorrow, when I'll have some info on a great LM site. (NA)
03-03-01 Crazy Germans: The German LM Club has a new model and a pile of new photos. They posted a few in the House of Living Dolls club early in the week. Then they deleted them. Then they put up some different ones. I see now, they just posted 18 more. Plus, there are supposed to be a lot on the website this weekend. Keep an eye out. The poses are great, and the girl is pretty decent looking. (4)
03-02-01 Something Different But Great: I know we normally concentrate on female LMs around here, but this is a great site. The "mannequin-man" posted his link on the message board. There's some great photos and tales there. Yes it's all male, but if you were really here for the LMs, you'd enjoy it. Some of the things he has to say are fantastic. (5)
03-01-01 New Video Clips Part Deux: I'm really sorry about the whole iDrive problem. They didn't used to have this limit. I'm willing to pay for server space, but I can't find anyplace that will let me host copyrighted clips. I've already gotten turned away from a couple server providers. I hope you all can access them in due time. If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears. (N/A)
Previous Months - February 2001 - January 2001 -December 2000
(To access older months, check the bottoms of the older pages)