Look here for up to date information on sightings of Living Mannequins, Site Status reports, and freeze topics in the media
Please, feel free to contribute anything you might know of!
Scale: 1 - If you happen to catch it; 2 - Look for it; 3 - Must Watch;
4 - Tape it if you can; 5 - You must tape this!
May 2005:
05-31-05 Link Change: Just as a head's up, Basictek's URL is http://lm.basictek.net which is a change from what it used to be. Thanks! (na)
05-24-05 Yahoo! Group: Thanks to the activity on the message board, there hasn't been a need for much news here. Even more of a victim, is the LMC's Yahoo! Group. I want to let you know that the Yahoo! Group will be shutting down next Tuesday. There are some nice images and videos that were posted there 3 or 4 years ago, so grab them now before it's too late. Thanks to everyone that has supported it, I hope you'll continue to show your support here on the LMC!
05-19-05 Teen Board: The Springfield Mall Teen Board had a freeze modeling event at the end of April, and posted a nice photo gallery of the showing. Take a look, and big thanks to cochrane for the head's up. (5)
05-10-05 BASIKTEK: Lord Hypno's recommendation about using Servage.net as a hosting provider has paid off for the community. Basictek started a good living mannequin page there, with lots of videos and pictures. Some of these have never been see before. Make sure you take a look! http://lm.basictek.net (5)
Previous Months - April 2005 - March 2005 - February 2005
(To access older months, check the bottoms of the older pages)