LMC One shot photos are single file donations to that LMC the require immediate attention. If you'd like to contribute your own one-shot photo, feel free.
(Check out the caption/mini-story below the photo)
Joni sat at the dinner party, bored out of her mind. If her mother made her go to one more of these, she thought she'd just explode. While dining, a handsome man came over, and complimented her on her looks. She was so flattered, and she could feel her self starting to blush as he paid her more compliments. Eager to please him, and hoping for a date, she posed politely when he asked for a photo. Placing her hands neatly in her lap, she smiled at him and waited while he snapped the shot. As soon as she saw the flash she realized something was wrong. She couldn't move a muscle. She was frightened and embarrassed. He came over to her and posed her arms awkwardly over her head. She was so mad, and scared. She could feel herself getting really red now, as everyone began looking at her and commenting. She willed herself to get away from it all, but she could not. A single tear ran down her cheek as she held the pose for a few more hours.
Photo by anonymous donor; Caption by Dosman!
Added January 19, 2001