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Look here for up to date information on sightings of Living Mannequins, Site Status reports, and freeze topics in the media
Please, feel free to contribute anything you might know of!

Scale: 1 - If you happen to catch it; 2 - Look for it; 3 - Must Watch; 4 - Tape it if you can; 5 - You must tape this!

September 2001:
09-30-01 LTBSA Update:
Dmuk spends so much time time and effort on this story site, it's no wonder it is as great as it is. The LTBSA is the largest ASFR story archive on the net, with any kind of story, doll, freeze, robot, statue, etc, story you could want! Of course, if you are any kind of freeze, or mannequin fan, you have to check out my personal favorite, A RADical Evening! And, check out the group of new stories posted this weekend! ( (5)

09-29-01 Commercial:A few people, myself included, pointed out the new Alka-Seltzer commercial that has been airing lately. I hope to make a video capture of it and share it soon. In it, a woman freezes, as in stops moving, then a coating of ice forms over her features. It's a pretty neat effect! (3)

09-28-01 New April Photos: Yes, after a 4 month wait, the next set of April photos has been posted. You might recognize the suit from a set from last year. But, she added a few accessories to it to make it nicer, and make her look more controlled and fake. I like them, I hope you do too! (5)

09-27-01 Freeze Animation: has a new animation on thier site with a heavy freeze/timestop theme. It's pretty neat, and you should check it out, as a cute girl gets frozen. There are other animations involving mind control that are interesting, too. If you do check it out, be sure to drop the site owner a line, and let him know what you think of his work, as he's very curious about your thoughts! (4)

09-26-01 Real LM Show: From an anonymous reader of the LMC: "In Monroe, Louisiana, there will be an Ag Expo at the Monroe Civic center.. on January 18th, 2002 there will be mannequin modeling from 5 to 8 pm. in the Arena Lobby. There will also be performing on Saturday, the 19th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm in the same area.. Those in the area might want to stop by and take some pictures and share them with the rest of the community." Thanks so much to the contributor. If you can be there in January, check it out! (5)

09-25-01 Briefs: If you haven't already, check out Stuckfast's new video, it's a freezelovers dream, as well as doll content. If you like the RAD concept, you'll love this video, because it's what they use. ALSO, I've been playing around with the buttons on the sides of the pages to make them all the same for the first layer of pages on the site, and adding the button to this page. If your web browser is drawing the buttons over here in the middle of the text by mistake, please let me know! FINALLY, Check out these neat photos on this new PAY site. I get the impression it's another project of Kimy, or Sven Marcus, but either way, they could show nice photos like these in the future. ( (4)

09-24-01 LM Suit Story: If you liked the Amber story that I posted in May, about the girl trapped in the statue suit, you might enjoy Chryslerman's story over at Gromet's Story Site called "Stupid Decision". I have to warn you now that this story is a little more sexual then the stories posted here at the LMC. ( (4)

09-23-01 Mannequin Suit Part Deux: Mr. Freeze has done a nice edit on the living mannequin suit photo to make it look more like a mannequin. Check it out in the Frozen Statue Yahoo! club! ( (5)

09-22-01 Midnight Snacks: I spoke to Excalibur Films, and they were sorry to report that the title is out of stock for a while, and they had no idea when they'd get more copies. They even went so far as to pull it from the website. The page is still up here, but it doesn't show up in searches anymore. I'm sorry, as I know a lot of people, including myself, really wanted a copy. But, hey, go spend the money on Hotmoon's new freeze video! (

09-21-01 Robot Suit Photos: Glampira wanted me to point out these wonderful photos to you. These are of her and a friend dressed up in robot suits, and they're really nice. Take a look at them, and let her know what you think. ( (5)

09-20-01 NEW FREEZE VIDEO: Surprising me, and causing me to stay up all night to design the website for it, Stuckfast has released a brand new freeze video! This videotape is 2 hours, yes, 120 minutes, of pure freeze. This is behind the scenes footage featuring a group of girls freezing, for 2 full hours! You can't beat this. It's $40, and that's pretty cheap, and the quality looks great! ( (5)

09-19-01 Amazing Photo: I found this unbelievable photo in one of the clubs (HOLD) today. It is of a woman wearing a mannequin suit, and is such an amazing photo. I have added it to the LMC, and You must go and look at it right now! Enjoy! (5)

09-18-01 Midnight Snacks: I've been getting a lot of requests about the clip midnight snacks on the movie page. At first, I was unable to find out what film the clip was from, as I could not find a movie with that name. But, a few contributors pointed out that it is listed on Excalibur Films. I have had my copy on order for weeks, it is very backordered. But, there it is, if anyone else wants to order, feel free. If you get your copy before me, let me know, I'm going to cancel my order! (
Note: This page is now being hosted on the Many-Realms server. If this causes any problems, please let me know.

09-16-01 SNL Part 2: Stuckfast mentioned to me yesterday that there was a freeze on the Katie Holms episode too, but I haven't been able to find any details. If you know anything about it, feel free to post on the message board about it! (3)

09-15-01 SNL Freeze: I hate it when we miss good stuff. I watched the first 5 minutes of this episode, and never thought to watch the rest for a freeze. Anyway, in May (5/19/2001), the season finale of Saturday Night Live, with Christopher Walken and musical guest Weezer had a great freeze during the Weekend Update section of the show. Apparently, the girl and guy hosts, and the special female cameo guest, Wynona Ryder freeze on screen to emulate a TV show freeze frame. I checked the schedule, and with the season starting tonight (but maybe it won't be, with NBC pushing everything back a week), we probably won't see this episode on NBC again. Keep an eye out on Comedy Central for it, and perhaps we'll see it on a clip tape eventually. Thanks to sharkjack for posting about this on the message board, and starting my search! (4)

09-14-01 German LM: The German LM Fanclub has taken on a new model, and is showing some new photos, such as this one they sent to the LMC. They have a new link, be sure to use it. ( (3)

09-13-01 Cleaning Up: I've tried to clear up some problems with the pages on the LMC, most notably, the front page, and this news page. Some people have reported it crashing their web browser. I also know that it looks funny in Netscape 4.x (maybe 6.x too). I don't know what to say, other then try a different web browser. The pages of this website uses an advanced HTML technique known as layers, and always will. It provides a precise positioning mechanism for browsers that correctly support it. I have coded webpages since before there was an Internet Explorer, and when Netscape was just an infant, and I am content with the way things are coded now. Thank you for visiting the site, and I hope that everyone can continue to enjoy it. If your machine is Windows, and Pentium II or higher, I urge you to upgrade to the newly released IE6, and forget unusual and legacy browsers. (NA)

09-12-01 Video Clips: Check out the video clips from The Pageant of Masters, on their website. They are short, but have some interesting poses and looks. (

09-11-01 VHS Available: Want to play Duran Duran on your TV? Check out this eBay auction for a tape of DD videos, including Electric Barbarella! ( (3)

09-10-01 Equal Exposure: Check out this great Male Living Mannequin club on Yahoo! I had no idea there was one, but this is a well done club. Great photos and message board discussions. ( (5)

09-09-01 Painted Living Statues: Check out the newest photoset at the inDirect Image Yahoo! Club. This is a beautiful model, Anna, who is making her first appearence in the club, this time painted gold. Check them out, her photos are wonderful! ( (4)

09-08-01 Sabrina, in Rome: Did anyone watch it last night? Is there actually any good ASFR in it? Is it anything we should add to the video clips section of the site? (NA)

09-07-01 Real LM Photos: One of the biggest LM shows in the country, The Pageant of Masters has occured. There are 3 new photos of one of the scenes from it in the Living Statues Yahoo! club, check them out. I hope that we'll see more from this in the coming days. ( (4)

09-06-01 New Movie Clip: I added a new movie clip, at the suggestion of "f1f2". It's the Duran Duran Electic Barbarella music video, which is great ASFR acting, by anyones standards. Check it out, it's worth the download. (5)

09-05-01 Movie Clip Stuff: Demand for the movie clips has been good, I plan to post a few more as I stumble across them. If you have others you'd like me to post, email me asking about it. (Don't send me a clip directly!!)
Also, a few people asked how to purchase Hourglass. Hourglass is available from Guy Talon Productions ( and is pretty cheap for the length and amount of freezing.
The other popular title was Midnight Snacks. I was unable to find a source for it, but King Jeremy and Wolfman found one. We're not sure it's the correct video. I'm waiting for my copy to arrive, and then we'll know for sure. Once we do, I'll post the link and let others at it.
As for the TV clips, I know Stuckfast Productions ( was planning a TV clip tape, I'm sure they'll all be on it, once it arrives. Look for it soon. (4)

09-04-01 Movie Review: After reading Corey Fantoccini's post on the message board about the German horror movie "Vampyros Lesbos" (link to imdb), I had to get the DVD and check it out for myself. I'm glad I did. This is one of the best freeze scenes I have seen in available media in a long time. This is 2nd, only behind the scene from Timepiece. In fact, these two scenes are very similiar. In each, one girl is frozen and another gets intimate with her. There is a lot of sexual activity, and dressing. Also, in this movie, there is one tiny bit of robotic movement, when the frozen actress decides to reach up and touch the other girl. The rest of the movie is pretty cool, if you like horror movies. If you have the money, I recommend purchasing this DVD. There isn't much that you can just go out and buy with ASFR in it, but being that this one of them, you should pick it up. The scene is about 6 minutes long the first time, and about the same the second time it's shown. The second time shows a lot of different stuff. Also, a bit of trivia, in the movie trailer, which is on the cover of the DVD as well, there is no frozen woman, there is an actual display doll instead. The scene was obviously reshot with the real girl. (4)
(To purchase:
(More info:

09-03-01 Real LM Pictures: I had no idea until I stumbled across them this weekend. King Jeremy has posted in his adopted Yahoo! club, "The House of Living Dolls" a few sets of living mannequin and living doll photos. They are really great. Check them out and contribute to the club message board, your thoughts! ( (5)

09-02-01 LTBSA: The story archive has been updated with a few new stories, check it out. In case you're unfamiliar. This is the largest (and official) collection of ASFR stories on the WWW. If you're looking for an ASFR story you might have read, chances are good they have it here. ( (4)

09-01-01 Video Files: The video files are back! Check them out at If anyone would like to contribute new files, feel free to drop me an email, and we'll get them up on the server! (5)

Previous Months - August 2001 - July 2001 - June 2001
(To access older months, check the bottoms of the older pages)

Non-Fiction - In The News