This site is dedicated to mannequin modeling, freeze models and living mannequins. Live mannequins can be the most beautiful things in a display, attracting a lot of attention. Mannequin modeling is a trade that requires a lot of practice and patience. This site is here to present our appreciation of this art, share our love for the models, and to trade stories about this and other motionless topics. We hope you find useful resources and examples in these pages.
If you visit us with mannequin modeling experience under your belt we would be interested in hearing from you. We are looking for stories and anecdotes for our nonfiction section. We are also seeking photos for our galleries. Your privacy will be respected.
If you are visiting the LMC due to your love of the fine people who perform this magic, feel free to look around and enjoy the resources that we've put together
Thank you for visiting and please check back often for updates, and enjoy!
The LMC Webmasters