Gallery changelog
August 11, 2002
Non-Fiction - Message Board

Name: Dosman! ([email protected])
Date: Thu 5/9/2002??14:37:35
Subject: Re: Re: Never a Doll moment (read this one)

I'm not doing his web work anymore, so I'm not sure what he thinks of this all. But, last thing he told me was that he was afraid the clips lowered sales.

> I sure hope so. But a better place to ask this
> would be on the stuckfast message board or to email
> this question to them. (I never got a response
> though, but maybe you'll have better luck than me.)
> Is there a clip of this movie posted somewhere?
> I
> remember that there is a clip for Hourglass and
> I
> wondered if this video received the same
> treatment.
> thanks


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