Gallery changelog
August 11, 2002
Non-Fiction - Message Board

Name: EHY ([email protected])
Date: Sun 5/19/2002??20:52:52
Subject: Announcing: The ASFR Collections

Greetings, ASFR fans!

I have created a new web site: The ASFR Collections.

This site is different from the other ASFR sites out there. For starters, it
will not be hosting ASFR "content" at all - no stories, photos,
photomanipulations, videos, or anything of that sort. Nor is it the sole
creation of any one person (or at least, it won't be).

The ASFR Collections is, simply, a place for members of the ASFR community to
recommend their personal favorite stories to others. As such, I hope it will
span all the range of ASFR: from robots and androids to mannequins to
dolls... anything that contributors like. Whatever your taste, I hope that in
the months to come you'll be able to find links to great stories that are
right up your alley - and if not, you can contribute links to the stories
*you* like best, for others of your tastes to enjoy.

As the site is brand-new, it only has one page of recommendations: my own.
But that will change - just send me your own favorites, and I'll put them up!
(Yes, that's you I'm talking to - yes, you, hiding in your room wondering how
to contribute without making a fool of yourself!)

(Don't expect anything new on the site for a week or two though; due to
various and sundry real-life committments I probably won't even have time to
check this board for a week or two, let alone update the site. Don't
panic. I'll be back.)

The ASFR Collections.


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