Gallery changelog
August 11, 2002
Non-Fiction - Message Board

Name: Mastermind ([email protected])
Date: Thu 5/30/2002??03:08:55
Subject: Re: Free capture card!

Well, I don't know about anyone else but I'd like that video capture card. I'm already a contributor to the LMC, with some rare and in-demand clips to my credit (I submitted that Buffy the Vampire Slayer clip from "Dead Things" within 48 hours of the show's initial airing - if I had the card, I would've had it that night). And I've posted some VCR alerts right here for freeze fans within the past couple months. I've got a pretty large freeze clip collection on VHS, amassed both personally and through trade, and I'm sure that there are a few things in there that no one has, at least not in digital form.

- Mastermind

> Howdy all,
I've decided to have a little give
> away. Post here on the board in as many words as
> you want, why you deserve a free capture card, and
> how you'd use it to benefit the LMC, and what
> footage you already have to use it with.
The best
> response gets a free device shipped to them direct
> from anonymously. (chosen based on your
> system requirements)
Of course, if you get the
> thing, and you don't use it, I'll come whoop your
> ass!
Let the games begin!


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