Non-Fiction - Message Board
Name: WK ([email protected])
Date: Thu 6/27/2002??03:02:18
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: De Manatina
> Is Cable Exspensive in the US? I don't get this
> show but I always had Cable TV
I don't know how it compares to other countries, but most of the people I know here in the US have cable or satellite. To answer the original question, I do get the channel in question and no, I don't watch it. I quit watching the show after the first couple of weeks. I caught a few of the freezes posted here, but I don't know much spanish and fast-forwarding through the show every day gets old very quickly. I had assumed that someone with more free time than I have was monitoring it, but perhaps not. I'll try to tape a few in the near future and see if they are still doing the pausa thing.
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