Non-Fiction - Message Board
Name: dmuk ([email protected])
Date: Sat 7/27/2002 16:51:19
Subject: Re: Unwatchable clips, sometimes
> as far as i know .avi files do not play
> untill you have downloaded the entire clip, and if
> the last part of the data is missed it can´t be
> viewed
This is true, plus there is an odd effect I've seen a few times, where downloading the clip (rightclick on PC, then 'save link as...') beforehand does *not* work but viewing it, then copying the file out of the \windows\temp\ directory *does* work. Proabably a glitch with the browser. Something to try at any rate.
Also, you occasionally can save out of the viewer once you get the clip to play.
Once you find a technique, tell the rest of the folks about it...
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